Welcome to
The Lake, Snow, and Special Effects Web Ring!
Here you will find the "code" and the files required to intall our ring applet.  We also have a "Ring Forum",
so, if you have any questions or problems, post a message and we will try and help you.  If you are already a member of the ring and need to log into RingSurf to edit your profile, you can log in at the bottom of this page.  I started this ring, because most of the other rings I've found tend to favor one effect over the other, say lakes, or snow globes, or some other special effect.  I wanted this ring to be open to anyone using special effects of any kind, even if it's just an attractive collection of animated .gif files on there site.  Unless you have something on your site which violates the RingSurf guidelines orOUR RING GUIDELINES, if you meet the minimum requirements, your site will be accepted!
Remember!, you only have to "Log In" if you need to change your information at RingSurf!
You can also "search the ring!"
This is our main applet.


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"The Lake, Snow, and Special Effects Ring"
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This LS and SE site is owned by ***SITE OWNER***
Powered by RingSurf!

If you like this applet, first, "right click" and "save as" this image, ma.jpg

Next, download MyLake.class.  Click on this link, if it doesn't begin downloading, "right click" on the link and use the "SAVE TARGET AS" function!  If you have any problems, e-mail me!

This works like any "lake"  applet.  Upload the image and the .class file into the same directory as the page you want the applet to appear on.  If you are hosted by Tripod, you can upload both into the "root" directory.  Make sure the .class file uploads as a binary and not an ASCII file.
Now "select" and "right click" and COPY the following code.  

<table><tr><td align="center"><font face="arial,helvetica" color="#FFFFFF" size=2>
<FORM target="_top" ACTION="http://www.ringsurf.com/ringsearch" METHOD="POST"><table border=1><tr><td align="right" bgcolor="#FF3333"><font face="arial,helvetica" color="#99FFFF" size=2>
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</td><td valign="center" bgcolor="#000000"><center><a target="_top">
<applet code="MyLake.class" width=200 height=115>
<param name=background value="ma.jpg">
<td align="left" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><font face="arial,helvetica" color="#000000" size=2>
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<tr><td colspan=3 align="left" bgcolor="#3399FF"><font face="arial,helvetica" color="#FFFF00" size=2><center>Site #<B>***ID#***</B></center><center><valign="center"><B> "The Lake, Snow, and Special Effects Ring"</B></center></font>
<tr><td colspan=3 align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><table width=100%><tr><td align="left"><font face="arial,helvetica" size=2>
<a target="_top" href="http://www.ringsurf.com/netring?ring=lsandse;action=list"><font color="#0033FF">List All</font></a>
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<td colspan=3 bgcolor="#EEEEEE"><font face="arial,helvetica" color="#000000" size=2>
<center>This <a target="_top" href="https://lakensnow.tripod.com/id18.htm"><font face="arial,helvetica" color="#000000" size=2><B>LS and SE</B></a> site is owned by <a target="_top" href="mailto:***SITE EMAIL***"><font face="arial,helvetica" color="#000000" size=2><B>***SITE OWNER***</B></a></center>
<font size=1>Powered by <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="http://www.ringsurf.com" target="_top">RingSurf</a>!</font>

Upload the image and .class files, edit in your ID number, e-mail address, and your name.  "Copy and Paste" it into your web  page.  Please, if you have any problems, e-mail me!  I'm here to help!

This is our "alternate" applet, it has all the features of the main applet except for a "still" image.  All you have to do is copy the code, edit it with your site ID, add your e-mail address and your name and paste it into your web page!  Again, if you have any problems or question, e-mail me.  I'm here to help!


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Site #***ID#***
"The Lake, Snow, and Special Effects Ring"
List All Stats Random Site Join!
This LS and SE site is owned by ***SITE OWNER***
Powered by RingSurf!

If you like this applet, copy this code, edit it, and paste it into your web page where you want the applet to appear!

<table><tr><td align="center"><font face="arial,helvetica" color="#FFFFFF" size=2>
<FORM target="_top" ACTION="http://www.ringsurf.com/ringsearch" METHOD="POST"><table border=1><tr><td align="right" bgcolor="#FF3333"><font face="arial,helvetica" color="#99FFFF" size=2>
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</td><td valign="center" bgcolor="#000000"><center><a target="_top"><IMG SRC="http://home.earthlink.net/~epetrick111/bws.jpg" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=124 BORDER=0></a></center></td>
<td align="left" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><font face="arial,helvetica" color="#000000" size=2>
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<tr><td colspan=3 align="left" bgcolor="#3399FF"><font face="arial,helvetica" color="#FFFF00" size=2><center>Site #<B>***ID#***</B></center><center><valign="center"><B> "The Lake, Snow, and Special Effects Ring"</B></center></font>
<tr><td colspan=3 align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><table width=100%><tr><td align="left"><font face="arial,helvetica" size=2>
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<td colspan=3 bgcolor="#EEEEEE"><font face="arial,helvetica" color="#000000" size=2>
<center>This <a target="_top" href="https://lakensnow.tripod.com/id18.htm"><font face="arial,helvetica" color="#000000" size=2><B>LS and SE</B></a> site is owned by <a target="_top" href="mailto:***SITE EMAIL***"><font face="arial,helvetica" color="#000000" size=2><B>***SITE OWNER***</B></a></center>
<font size=1>Powered by <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="http://www.ringsurf.com" target="_top">RingSurf</a>!</font>

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Image for our applet courtesy of: